Roanoke, VA., November 5, 2007 — The City of Roanoke will hold an auction on Wednesday, Nov. 7, in the Jefferson Center’s Fitzpatrick Hall for approximately 17 properties that have delinquent real estate taxes, assessments for weed and trash abatement, and demolition or board-up costs.
According to state law, localities have the right to sell the real estate after the first anniversary date on which the taxes or other assessments were due. State law also provides that any property sold during these proceedings is purchased free and clear of all liens incurred by the owner or any other party involved.
“Despite vigorous collection efforts by the City Treasurer and the Department of Billings & Collections, these property owners have failed to pay their debts,” says Dana Long, Manager of Billings & Collections. “The primary benefit of conducting a tax sale is to sell property to a responsible landowner who will properly maintain the
property and pay future taxes. The neighborhoods benefit as well by having responsible property owners.”
To redeem a property, the owner must pay, in full, all accumulated taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, and costs, including all legal fees, by 5 p.m. on the day before the sale. Any listing of the tax sale properties is subject to change up until the time of sale. All sales are subject to Circuit Court and city approval.
Additional information, including a listing of the properties, is available on the city’s Web site at
For more information call Dana Long or John Garnand at 853-2880.